Friday, December 20, 2024

Tis that Time AGAIN!!


'Tis that time where it is somewhat acceptable to say the word 'Tis and get away with it! Yes, we're talking Christmas Time, folks! Immediate households only, please! Let's face it - we can barely stand the sight of each other, much less the thought of all those germs! No thank you!

But I digress - what sort of Holiday Spirit is THAT? Let's think about the GOOD things, shall we?

Family... Friends...

...and ventriloquist dummies...

Wait a second... WHAT?...
Anyway, make sure to drop by our
Out Of Bodies Holiday Page
and have yourself a wonderful time!!!
God Bless Us All... Every ONE!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Joey Loves Going Ape!


Joey sent in these great shots of himself in full Planet Of The Apes make-up and attire - - from various times - - and yes, that's him under all that latex and fur!! Joey wrote...

"Yes! The make up was all done by my old friend Arnold Gargiulo who did movies like Critters, Frankenhooker, Black Rain and Tales From The Parkside TV Show and Monsters TV Show. He works for the Metropolitan Opera too. A great guy and terrific friend... all I had to do was sit there for 3 hours!! WHAT FUN!!


...hold still...



...we done yet?...



Ready to hit the clubs...


What's a guy gotta do to get some BANANAS around here?

I'm ready for my close up!

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