Saturday, September 23, 2023

Haunted Barn Is Back at the Paramount Theater!

- - Joey, 9 23, 2023

The Creepy season is here, so come get scared with us all over again! 
Haunted Barn has been running round like a flying monkey without a head these past months. Come to one or ALL of our local shows!!  Ill be hosting and moderating the discussion at the first ever film series at "Castle Finklestein" in two weeks...all of your favorite classics...all month long!! Monstrous pieces from our collection included!!  Don't miss it!!!  Then the grand Paramount Theatre beckons for their annual Horror-Thon. Haunted Barn will be "haunting" the lobby with Hollywood artifacts from our 62 year old collection!!
Stay Up With Haunted Barn and Watch the Monsters Come Out!

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