Sunday, March 18, 2018

Look mom, no legs!

The Amputee Humor of Mark DeGross

It's no wonder Mark and I hit it off so well when we met 40 years ago... we both shared the same sense of humor! For some reason, and I don't know why (although one might argue "why not?") we were particularly amused by amputees... not just people who were amputees per say - but people who were pissed off about their legless situation. It seemed funnier if they were suddenly missing their legs - somehow "robbed" of them without their knowing. And to kick it up (no pun intended) a few notches - it seemed hilarious that they somehow managed to make use of coffee can lids to cover up their stumps. Yes, yes - I know what you're thinking - why, those sick bastards!! And perhaps you'd be right. But just be thankful that we decided to express ourselves THIS way as opposed to countless other ways that I won't even get into right now.

Just enjoy the drawings - and please direct any hate mail towards Leonard Schecter... he's the one who supplied Mark with the paper!...

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Joey's Haunted Barn Nominated for Rondo Award!

Our Out of Bodies brother Joey has just announced that his Haunted Barn has been nominated for this year's Rondo Award in the Category of
*** Monster Kid of the Year! ***
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We humbly encourage you all to vote for him by simply clicking HERE to send an email and say you'd like to vote:
Category 28 - Joey Vento/Monsterkid of the Year!

(If the email link above doesn't work for you for some reason, please just send an email the old fashioned way - send to: (David Colton) - - and we thank you kindly!)

Voting ends April 8th!

...The Haunted Bar?